Study title
Romanian Parliament (Members of Parliament) 1993
Klingemann, Hans-Dieter (Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung)
Muntean, G. (Informatix Romania, Bukarest )
Study number / PID
ZA2813, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
The parliament as a democratic institution, attitudes towards
the political system and the situation of minorities.
Topics: Present activities of the Parliament; distribution of
power between Parliament and Government; efficiency
of the activity of the Commissions of the Parliament; allocation of
governmental subsidies between industry and agriculture;
distribution of tax incomes between central and local government;
social security provided by the government, enterprises and
individuals; opinion about the reforms and their speed; privatization
of different economic sectors; decentralization; main problems of
the present local government; discussions in the constituency about
the cost of living, unemployment, land reform, local government,
interethnic relations and laws; present situation of minorities;
disadvantages of the Romanians; information of the Romanian radio
and TV; legal rights of minorities; cultural autonomy; use of mother
tongue in justice and in the local government; activities of one´s
party´s Members of the Parliament; collaboration between the Senate
and the Chamber of Deputies; working in a parliament commission;
cooperation between the members of one´s parliament group; stability
of one´s party; communication with the constituency; change of the party
affiliation since the last elections; running as a candidate in the next
election; information about the present situation in the country;
sources of information; prerequisite for improving the activities of the
Parliament; nationality; position in the Parliament; political
affiliation; place of residence.