Living conditions, political attitudes and satisfaction after
German-German unification, behavior at the polls, attitude to parties.
Topics: Length of residence in Berlin; living and working in same
district; change of situation in life in the last year; assessment of
development of purchasing power of net income in the last year;
satisfaction with job security, possibilities in search for work,
price development, residence, income, leisure selection;
assessment of need for action in the areas traffic, economy,
environmental protection, jobs, crime, government, information about
city development, foreigners; capabilities of various parties in
solving problems in the areas quality of life, income, taxes, crime
and violence, environment, economy, traffic, government, rents and
renter protection; party preference (scale); frequency of appearance
of parties in public; commitment of parties for the city; most
appealing form of making contact by politicians; Sunday question
(House of Representatives), opinion on House of Representatives
(scale); opinion on political concepts of various parties; reasons
on use of public means of transportation or personal car;
religiousness; behavior at the polls (House of Representatives Berlin
on 3 October 1990).