Summary information

Study title

StudData - Database for Studies of Recruitment and Qualification in the Professions, Panel 2


Not available

Study number / PID (DOI)

Data access

Information not available


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StudData is a database which will give the grounds for panel and life cycle studies. It is a big and long-term project that include twenty professions. StudData is a collaborative project where eleven university colleges and universities participate. The Centre for the Study of Professions (SPS), Oslo University College (OUC) leads and coordinates the building of the database, which is financed by the Research Council of Norway and Oslo University College. Professor Lars Inge Terum, professor Jens-Christian Smeby and associate professor Håvard Helland have the the professional and administrative responsibility for StudData at SPS. StudData follows individuals from the they begin studying until they are well established in the labour market. This type of panel and life cycle data provide knowledge about the life cycle of the single person, but changes within a single profession/occupation as well as comparison of different professions are interesting aspects. There are three panels (groups) who are followed: StudData-1, students who commenced their education in autumn 2000. StudData-2, students who completed their education in spring 2001 and StudData -3, students who commenced their education in autumn 2004. Phase 1: The beginning of the education - to obtain knowledge about recruiting and motivation to commence studies in a given profession. (Phase 1 only takes place for panel 1 and 3) Phase 2: When the education is completed: to obtain knowledge about views on the content of the education, the way the study was organised, well-being, the formation of a profession identity and the students' thoughts about future work. Phase 3 and 4: Two questionnaires within 5-6 years to obtain knowledge about newly educated persons' encounter with work and occupational life, carreer patterns, resignations from the occupation, cooperation, reflections about education and personal competences. In phase 1 - 2 the data collection is carried out through/in cooperation with the...
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Data collection period

2001 - 2008


Time dimension

Not available

Analysis unit



Students finishing their studies at chosen educations in Norwegian university colleges and universities, spring 2001.

Sampling procedure

Not available

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Not available

Funding information


The Research Council of Norway




The Research Council of Norway



NSD - Norwegian Centre for Research Data

Publication year


Terms of data access

Not available

Related publications

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