Summary information

Study title

Survey of United Kingdom Manufacturing Firms, 2010


Tether, B., Imperial College London, Imperial College Business School

Study number / PID

6780 (UKDA)

10.5255/UKDA-SN-6780-1 (DOI)

Data access



Not available


Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.

This project studied the extent to which manufacturing firms are becoming involved in the provision of services – so called 'servicisation' – as well as the extent to which they are engaged in collaborative networks with customers, suppliers, competitors and others, including universities. The study aimed to understand whether engaging in these activities is associated with different organisational arrangements, and is associated with superior performance.

This dataset contains 256 responses to a survey of 2,515 manufacturing firms that was carried out in October and November 2010. Responses were received between October 2010 and January 2011. Manufacturing firms with between 7 and 1,500 employees in the UK and primarily active in the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities (SIC 2003) industries 28-36 were drawn from the Forecasting Analysis and Modeling Environment (FAME) database which draws data from company accounts.

Further information can be found on the Increasing Value Added in UK Manufacturing through Globalising 'Open Innovation' and Servicisation Strategies ESRC End of Award web page.

Main Topics:

The main topics covered by the survey are:
  • the services offered by the firms and how they charge for these
  • the strategic importance of services and organisational arrangements associated with providing services
  • engagement in the provision of solutions
  • co-operation arrangements and motivations
  • engagement in research and development activities
  • innovation activities and behaviours
  • information regarding the competitive orientation of the firm
  • background information on firm size, ownership and growth orientation


Data collection period

01/10/2010 - 01/12/2010


United Kingdom

Time dimension

Cross-sectional (one-time) study

Analysis unit



Manufacturing firms with between 7 and 1,500 employees, primarily active in SIC 2003 industries 28-36 and registered on the FAME database in the UK, 2010-2011.

Sampling procedure

Volunteer sample
Convenience sample

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Postal survey

Funding information

Grant number




UK Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

The Data Collection is available to UK Data Service registered users subject to the End User Licence Agreement.

Commercial use of the data requires approval from the data owner or their nominee. The UK Data Service will contact you.

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