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Deviant gedrag en slachtofferschap onder jongens uit etnische minderheden 1985
Junger, M., Ministerie van justitie * Den Haag, Wetenschappelijk onderzoek- en documentatiecentrum, WODC (primary investigator)
Study number / PID
doi:10.17026/dans-z57-h85f (DOI)
STAR: P1076
easy-dataset:32232 (DANS-KNAW)
Data access
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Measuring deviant behaviour, delinquency and victimization among male youth of ethnic minorities ( Turkish, Moroccan, Surinam ) compared with Dutch control group. Using both self-report data as official criminal records, the study aims at measuring delinquency and victimization among Turkish, Moroccan and Surinam boys aged 12 to 17 compared to a 'matched' sample of Dutch boys / Education before coming to the Netherlands / school career / situation at school: motivation, achievements, conflicts, truancy, dropping out / friends at school / discrimination /victim of pestering or scolding / leisure time activities indoors or outdoors / drinking behaviour / social contacts: amount and quality of relations with friends / deviant behaviour of friends / experience with discrimination in discotheques, pubs, shops and treatment by police / home situation: arguments, fights, aggression, running off / background data on parents / norms and values of parents / religiousness of parents / fluency ( Dutch ) of parents and respondent, importance of it / primary language / future remigration plans and respondents opinion on it / social contacts with family, relatives / incidence and frequency of: evading payment in tram, subway, cinema etc./ theft / thefts at school / car-theft / fencing / theft at home or with relatives / threatening with knives or violence / bicycle- or moped-theft / joy riding / violent attacks / carrying arms / vandalism / drug use / drug dealing / prostitution / rape / was respondent alone or with friends / was respondent himself ever victim of the foregoing / caught by police for any of the foregoing/ opinion on criminal or aggressive behaviour: stealing, fighting, beating / proper reaction of police / work situation / absence of work / satisfaction / unemployment / social security benefits / getting extra money / job perspectives / discrimination on the job. Background variables: basic characteristics/ place of birth/ residence/ occupation/employment/...
Terminology used is generally based on DDI controlled vocabularies: Time Method, Analysis Unit, Sampling Procedure and Mode of Collection, available at CESSDA Vocabulary Service.