Study title
Crisis Barometer on the COVID 19 Pandemic in Germany
Study number / PID
ZA7851, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
10.4232/1.13889 (DOI)
Data access
Information not available
Pessimism or optimism about the future in general and for Germany; party preference (Sunday question); confidence in institutions (state government of the federal state, federal government, European Union, federal armed forces, police, health authorities, authorities, courts, German Bundestag); most competent party to deal with the crisis; assessment of measures as appropriate, going too far, or not going far enough; expected extent of the impact of the Corona crisis for the respondent; reception frequency of news about the Corona crisis; respondent has contracted the Corona virus COVID 19 himself; number of people in his circle of acquaintances who have tested positive for the Corona virus. Demography: sex; age; education; employment status; federal state; number of people 18 years and older who also regularly use the cell phone used; number of cell phone numbers used to reach the respondent by phone; number of landline phone numbers; household size. Additionally coded were: respondent ID; day of interview; weighting factor.
Data collection period
30/03/2020 - 04/07/2020
Time dimension
Analysis unit
Not availableUniverse
Not availableSampling procedure
Kind of data
Not availableData collection mode
GESIS Data Archive for the Social Sciences
Publication year