Study title
Central and Eastern Eurobarometer 5 (European Union)
Reif, Karlheinz (Commission of the European Community, Brussels)
Cunningham, George (Commission of the European Community, Brussels)
Study number / PID
ZA2577, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Assessment of political and economic situation of the country. Attitude
to the European Community/Union. Topics: Judgement on general
development of the country; judgement on development of financial
situation of household in the last year and expectations on this for
the next year; attitude to the free market economy; judgement on the
speed of economic reforms; satisfaction with development of democracy
in the country; assessment of the extent of respect of human rights in
one´s country; attitude to the goals and activities of the EU;
designation of the country with which the future of one´s own country
most likely will be tied; beneficiary from the relations between the EU
and one´s own country; sources used for information about the policies
and institutions of the EU; population groups and political areas that
could profit or be disadvantaged from contact with the EU; right to
vote in general elections and party preference; nationality or ethnic
origins; monthly net income of household; Also encoded was: region.