Summary information

Study title

Making Sense of SMOS Soil Moisture Observations over Norway and Northern Areas, 2012


Lahoz, William (Norsk institutt for luftforskning)

Study number / PID (DOI)

Data access

Information not available


Not available


This project concerned studies to make more sense of the European Space Agency, ESA, SMOS (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity) soil moisture observations over Norway and Northern Areas. The SMOS satellite was launched in 2009 and is still working, providing data with relatively coarse spatial resolution (~43 km footprint), a limited instantaneous field of view (~1000 km across) and relatively infrequent revisits (1-3 days). The project used data assimilation ideas to improve the spatial and temporal information provided by SMOS to be more in line with user needs, i.e., offer higher rate, higher resolution, wider area “snap shot” information. For the data assimilation we used a variant of the Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF). The enhanced spatial resolution varied between 4 and 9 km (depending on model resolution) and the enhanced temporal resolution typically was 6 hours (the time step to update the analysis using SMOS data). As part of this study, the project evaluated the quality of satellite soil moisture observations and land surface model simulations over Norway, and assessed the NILU land data assimilation system in the context of studies of the hydrological cycle over land. This study addressed the challenge of using SMOS data to understand the hydrological cycle in Norway and Northern Areas, regions characterized by complex orography.


Not available


Data collection period

01/01/2010 - 31/12/2012


Time dimension

Not available

Analysis unit



In situ/satellite soil moisture comparison: Time series of soil moisture at the locations of six NVE stations (Kise, Kvithamar, Særheim, Værnes, Øverbygd, Ås), units of m3/m3 (cubic metre per cubic metre) of: (i) in situ data (ii) SMOS data (iii) AMSR-E data (iv) ASCAT data Location of NVE stations, north to south in Norway: Øverbygd 69.02oN 19.35oE 83 masl Kvithamar 63.49oN 10.88oE 70 masl Værnes 63.45oN 10.97oE 90 masl Kise 60.77oN 10.81oE 130 masl Ås 59.66oN 10.77oE 80 masl Særheim 58.76oN 5.65oE 90 masl Soil moisture analyses for Europe: Latitude-longitude maps of superficial soil moisture (units of m3/m3) over the Norway domain, including Norway, Northern Denmark, Sweden and Western Finland. Spatial resolution is 5 km. The analyses are constructed by assimilation soil moisture data from the SMOS satellite into the SURFEX land surface model. The assimilation method is a variant of the Ensemble Kalman Filter, EnKF. We also include maps of similar soil moisture analyses from the free model run (i.e., without assimilation).

Sampling procedure

Not available

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Not available

Funding information


The Research Council of Norway


Norwegian Institute for Air Research



Sikt - Norwegian Agency for Shared Services in Education and Research

Publication year


Terms of data access

Not available

Related publications

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