Summary information

Study title

Chronic Skin Diseases, Depression, Self-esteem and Body Image Among Adolscents in Oslo, 2009


Dalgard, Florence (Universitetet i Oslo)

Study number / PID (DOI)

Data access

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Negative self-evaluation is central in the maintenance of depression, and low self-esteem among depressed individuals is described with experienced feelings of inadequacy, inferiority, worthlessness and incompetence. Self-esteem related to body image is salient among adolescents especially females. The experienced body image is disturbed when the individual is depressed or suffers from a disfiguring disease like on a visual part of the body. It has been shown among adults that chronic skin diseases are common in the community (25%) and highly associated with psychosocial factors. Little is known about these issues among adolescents. The following research questions were raised in the project “Chronic Skin Diseases, Depression, Self-esteem and Body Image Among Adolescents in Oslo, 229”. All questions focused on gender and ethnic differences: How prevalent were common chronic skin diseases, like psoriasis, eczema and acne? How strong was the association between common chronic skin diseases, depression, self-esteem and disturbed body image? Was the visibility an explanatory factor for disturbed body image? The method used to answer these questions was an epidemiological population-based study carried out in 2004 and conducted by the Institute of General Practice and Preventive Medicine, University of Oslo, and the Norwegian Institute of Public Health. A questionnaire was answered by all pupils aged 18-19 years old; 2183 responded and the participating rate was 91%. Information was collected on psycho-social factors, well- being, self-reported health and life style. Approval was given by the Regional Committee for Medical Research Ethics and the Norwegian Data Inspectorate. This project represented an opportunity to build up and strengthen research in Norway on adolescence with an active cooperation with colleagues both nationally and internationally. The project aimed at exploring the association of somatic disease and mental health. It is a contribution to...
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Data collection period

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Time dimension

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Analysis unit



Pupils aged 18-19 years old.

Sampling procedure

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Kind of data


Data collection mode

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Funding information


The Research Council of Norway

Grant number




Sikt - Norwegian Agency for Shared Services in Education and Research

Publication year


Terms of data access

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