Study title
Reputation Survey among International Students in Norway, 2008
Norwegian Agency for International Cooperation and Quality Enhancement in Higher Education (Diku)
Study number / PID (DOI)
Data access
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In order to develop a strong, long term branding strategy at both a national and institutional level it is necessary to acquire knowledge about why international students choose to study in a particular country, what expectations they have and how their experience coincides with those expectations. It is both interesting and necessary to form a picture of the reputation of Norway and institutions of higher educations in Norway. The aim of this survey is to increase knowledge about how Norway as a country is perceived abroad when it comes to study and research work and why international students choose Norway and institutions of higher education as a destination. The result of the this survey will be used in the work to develop further the brand Study in Norway to increase the communication with the target group. Insight into international students' motivations, experiences and expectations will have a huge benefit to the institutions of their own work on reputation management and recruitment of students. Through a national reputation survey among foreign students in Norway, SIU and the Norwegian universities and colleges will get access to valuable information.
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