Summary information
Study title
Eurobarometer 61 (Feb-Mar 2004)
European Commission, Brussels; DG Communication Public Opinion Analysis Sector
Study number / PID
ZA4056, Version 1.0.1 (GESIS)
10.4232/1.10961 (DOI)
Data access
Information not available
Not available
Standard Eurobarometer measures. European Parliament
Topics: Standard Eurobarometer measures, such as how satisfied they
were with their present life, whether they attempted to persuade others
close to them to share their views on subjects they held strong
opinions about, whether they discussed political matters, and how much
trust they had in certain institutions like the press, radio,
television, police, army, religious institutions, political parties,
and the United Nations. Additional questions focused on the
respondents´ knowledge of and opinions about the European Union (EU),
its priorities, budget spending, foreign, security, and defense
policies, and feelings and fears about the enlargement of the EU and
the building of Europe and the EU. Respondents also expressed whether
they felt safer and more stable economically and politically as a
member of the EU, whether their voice and that of their country counted
in the EU, and if the EU played a positive or negative role in the
important issues facing their country (e.g., crime, taxation,
unemployment, terrorism, inflation, and health care). Respondents were
also asked which European bodies played an important role in the life
of the EU and expressed how much trust they had in these bodies (e.g.,
European Parliament, the European Commission, the Council of Ministers
of the EU, The European Ombudsman, The European Court of Auditors, and
the Committee of the Regions of the EU). Respondents were given a
definition of globalization (the general opening-up of all economies,
which leads to the certainty of a world-wide market) and asked if they
felt globalization was a good thing for the country, and whether it
would cause power to be concentrated in large companies, increase
global environmental problems, represent a threat to employment,
increase the variety of products for sale, cut the prices of products
and services through increased competition, make it more difficult to
control the quality of food products...
Read moreTopics
Data collection period
20/02/2004 - 28/03/2004
France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Denmark, Ireland, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Finland, Sweden, Austria
Time dimension
Not availableAnalysis unit
Not availableUniverse
Not availableSampling procedure
A multi-stage sampling design was used for this Eurobarometer. In the
first stage, primary sampling units (PSU) were selected from each of
the administrative regions in every country (i.e., Statistical Office
of the European Community, EUROSTAT regions). PSU selection was
systematic with probability proportional to population size, from
sampling frames stratified by the degree of urbanization. In the next
stage, a cluster of addresses was selected from each sampled PSU.
Addresses were chosen systematically using standard random route
procedures, beginning with an initial address selected at random. In
each household, a respondent was selected, by a random procedure. Up to
three recalls were made to obtain an interview with the selected
respondent. No more than one interview was conducted in each household.
Separate samples were drawn for Northern Ireland and East Germany.
Kind of data
Not availableData collection mode
Face-to-face interviews with standardized questionnaire
GESIS Data Archive for the Social Sciences
Publication year
Terms of data access
0 - Data and documents are released for everybody.
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Not available