Study title
Local Youth Surveys, 2010-2017
Study number / PID (DOI)
Data access
Information not available
Ungdata is a cross-national data collection scheme, designed to conduct youth surveys at the municipal level in Norway. Ungdata cover various aspects of young people's lives, e.g. relationship with parents and friends, leisure activities, health issues, local environment, well-being, and school issues. The surveys also include questions about tobacco and drug use, and participation in various forms of antisocial behavior such as violence and bullying. The Ungdata material is collected online during school hours. The questionnaire has a fixed part, which is similar in all surveys. In addition, the form contains a number of elective questions that municipalities can choose based on interest and need. Ungdata is the result of a collaboration between the research institute NOVA and seven regional Drug and Alcohol Competence Centers.
This dataset includes individual data conducted among pupils in comprehensive school in Norway between 2010-2017. It is recommended to use three year cut as national numbers to reduce the effect of the different composition of muncipalities from year to year. The survey was revised before the data collection in 2017. For more information see: