Summary information

Study title

Change and Development of Ways of Family Life (Panel 1988-1994)


Deutsches Jugendinstitut (DJI), München

Study number / PID

ZA3209, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)

10.4232/1.3209 (DOI)

Data access

Information not available


Not available


Current life situation and ways of life. Social relations and courses of life. Topics: 1. Children: number of siblings; position in sibling sequence; sex of siblings; growing up with both parents or with single-parent; divorce or other reasons for separation of parents; social origins; child-raising goals; desired number of children. 2. Partner biography: living together with a partner; living separately; year of separation; right to support; regularity of payments deposited; firm partnership; difficulties in partnership; thoughts of divorce; talks with friends or partner as well as a lawyer about a possible divorce. 3. Questions on social net: person to confide in; persons with whom one regularly has meals and to whom emotional relations exist; person from whom financial support is received or to whom provided; leisure partner; sex, type of relation, distance to residence and frequency of contact with persons of one's social surroundings; closeness and relation with other people and friends (scale); number of living grandparents. 4. School, training and employment: year of starting school; year of completion of school; time of first taking up occupational activity and complete information on professional career; current employment status; looking for work; hours worked each week; temporary work; work orientation (scale); most important criteria for choice of occupation (scale); child-raising and employment; information on number of siblings, number of grandchildren, number of grandparents, employment, occupational position and hours worked each week of spouse; division of tasks in the partnership and distribution of decision-making power; attitude to marriage (scale); characterization of partner relation (scale); estimated weekly effort for activities for family and household; attitude to children (scale); religiousness; postmaterialism; residential status; inheritance or purchase of real estate; gift received to purchase real estate; monthly rent or housing...
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Data collection period

1988 - 1994



Time dimension

Not available

Analysis unit

Not available


Not available

Sampling procedure

The complete sample of the ´88 dataset of respondents consists of three sub-samples, all representing the same universe, but produced with different sample procedures: Sub-sample A address-random by drawing addresses from the resident registry of municipalities (number of cases net: 3011) Sub-sample B random-route based on the ADM sample system (procedural variant with prescribed net) (number of cases net: 6931) Sub-sample C reliabiliy test, i.e. follow-up survey among selected persons from the quota sample of pretest 2 (number of cases net: 101) Random sample The ´94 dataset contains a 50% sample of the persons interviewed in 1988 in the old states (at the time of follow-up survey 24-61 years old)

Kind of data

Not available

Data collection mode

Oral survey with standardized questionnaire



GESIS Data Archive for the Social Sciences

Publication year


Terms of data access

A - Data and documents are released for academic research and teaching.

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