Study title
Cancer Illnesses in the Imagination of the Population
Study number / PID
ZA0574, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Knowledge about cancer illnesses and attitudes to preventive measures.
Topics: extent to which informed about cancer illnesses and sources of
information about cancer; attitude to education events; knowledge about
the course of a cancer illness and typical complaints; supposed reasons
for this illness; expected influence of air pollution and smoking on
lung cancer; personal participation in cancer check-ups and attitude to
such medical check-ups; knowledge of diagnosis and therapy methods;
desire for education given a cancer treatment; cancer illnesses among
family and friends and knowledge of cases of cure; attitude to
financial support of cancer patients; knowledge about the program to
combat cancer of the state association Wuerttemberg; last visit to the
doctor and last stay in a hospital; media usage.
Demography; age (classified); sex; marital status; religious
denomination; school education; vocational training; occupation;
employment; household income; size of household; composition of
Interviewer rating: social class and willingness of respondent to
cooperate; city size.