Summary information

Study title

Dataset for 'How brands highlight country of origin in magazine advertising: A content analysis'


J.M.A. Hornikx (Radboud University)
J. van den Heuvel (Radboud University)
W.F.J. van Meurs (Radboud University)
A.J.M. Janssen (Radboud University)

Study number / PID

doi:10.17026/dans-ztf-w83f (DOI)


easy-dataset:163101 (DANS-KNAW)

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Dataset for content analysis published in "Hornikx, J., Meurs, F. van, Janssen, A., & Heuvel, J. van den (2020). How brands highlight country of origin in magazine advertising: A content analysis. Journal of Global Marketing, 33 (1), 34-45."*Abstract (taken from publication)Aichner (2014) proposes a classification of ways in which brands communicate their country of origin (COO). The current, exploratory study is the first to empirically investigate the frequency with which brands employ such COO markers in magazine advertisements. An analysis of about 750 ads from the British, Dutch, and Spanish editions of Cosmopolitan showed that the prototypical ‘made in’ marker was rarely used, and that ‘COO embedded in company name’ and ‘use of COO language’ were most frequently employed. In all, 36% of the total number of ads contained at least one COO marker, underlining the importance of the COO construct.*Methodology (taken from publication)SampleThe use of COO markers in advertising was examined in print advertisements from three different countries to increase the robustness of the findings. Given the exploratory nature of this study, two practical selection criteria guided our country choice: the three countries included both smaller and larger countries in Europe, and they represented languages that the team was familiar with in order to reliably code the advertisements on the relevant variables. The three European countries selected were the Netherlands, Spain, and the United Kingdom. The dataset for the UK was discarded for testing H1 about the use of English as a foreign language, as will be explained in more detail in the coding procedure.The magazine Cosmopolitan was chosen as the source of advertisements. The choice for one specific magazine title reduces the generalizability of the findings (i.e., limited to the corresponding products and target consumers), but this magazine was chosen intentionally because an informal analysis suggested that it carried...
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DANS Data Station Social Sciences and Humanities

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