Study title
Political Attitudes (March 1965, II)
Lehrstuhl für politische Wissenschaft, Universität Mannheim
Study number / PID
ZA0695, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Political attitudes and judgement on parties and politicians before the
Federal Parliament election.
Topics: Most important problems of the FRG and issue ability of the
parties; sympathy scale for the SPD, CDU/CSU, FDP and the most
important federal politicians; preferred and rejected federal
chancellor; rejected minister candidates; rank order of preferred
government compositions after the Federal Parliament election;
influence of the candidacy of F. J. Strauss on one´s own voting
decision; party preference; judgement on one´s own economic situation
and the economic situation of the FRG in comparison over time (Katona
Demography: age (classified); sex; marital status; religious
denomination; school education; occupation; employment; income;
household income; size of household; composition of household; head of
household; state; possession of durable economic goods.
Interviewer rating: manner of housing; city size; social class of