Summary information

Study title

Het proces van sociale integratie van jong-volwassenen 1987-1992


Dijkstra, W., Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam * Amsterdam, Vakgroep methoden en technieken (primary investigator)

Study number / PID

doi:10.17026/dans-246-r3mc (DOI)

STAR: P1399

easy-dataset:32065 (DANS-KNAW)

Data access

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Longitudinal life situation survey of three cohorts of adolescents and young adults, initially aged 18, 22 and 26 years, during 1987 to 1991. Themes: parental family / housing situation / reasons to leave parental home / chances of living on one's own / expected effects on life situation / important values / detailed data on schooling and education / aspects of current educational situation / expectations job career / detailed data on occupational history / satisfaction / properties of current job / work situation / working conditions / necessary capacities / unemployment / benefits / side-jobs / problems with unemployment / life satisfaction / job seeking behaviour / ideal occupational situation / opinions on various living arrangements: marriage, living together, living apart together - LAT - , living alone / current living arrangement / data on partner / quality of relationship with partner / agreement with partner on important issues / expected effects of a change in the situation / homosexual relationship / reasons for not entering fixed relationship / division of household tasks between partners / parenting / education / reasons for having, not having children / children: wishes, future expectations, perceived effects on one's life situation / ideal number of children / division of educational, child-care tasks / social contacts , relations with friends / detailed data on five closest relations / perceived opinions of close relations - parents, partner, friends - on living arrangements, partner relation, having children / importance of their opinion for respondent/ important aspects for judging work, job in general / importance of having a job / important aspects for judging education, schooling / opinions on education, leisure, work, gender roles / actions to get a better job / opinions on parenthood / educational values / attitudes regarding partner relationship / living arrangements: own ideas, perceived majority opinion,...
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Data collection period

01/09/1987 - 01/02/1992


Time dimension

Not available

Analysis unit

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Sampling procedure

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Kind of data

Not available

Data collection mode

Not available



DANS Data Station Social Sciences and Humanities

Publication year


Terms of data access

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