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Attitudes on Current Questions of Domestic Policy (1993)
Berger, Manfred (Institut für Praxisorientierte Sozialforschung (IPOS), Mannheim )
Jung, Matthias (Institut für Praxisorientierte Sozialforschung (IPOS), Mannheim)
Roth, Dieter (Institut für Praxisorientierte Sozialforschung (IPOS), Mannheim)
Study number / PID
ZA2396, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
10.4232/1.2396 (DOI)
Data access
Information not available
Not available
Attitudes to current topics of domestic policy. Topics: Satisfaction
with democracy; party preference; behavior at the polls in the last
Federal Parliament election; trust in public institutions (scale);
importance of federal institutions (scale); preferred development of
society (scale); most important goals of domestic policy. Attitude to
foreigners and the right to asylum; assumptions about abuse of the
right to asylum; attitude to a limit to admission for applicants for
political asylum and to consistent deportation of those whose
application for asylum was denied; closeness to accomodations for
applicants for political asylum and problems with applicants for
political asylum; necessity of foreign workers for the German economy.
Satisfaction with social conditions in the Federal Republic;
satisfaction with the constitution; perceived threat to public safety;
desire for stricter laws or expanded powers for the police; perceived
personal threat from selected forms of crime. Political participation
and readiness for protest behavior; preference for national or
Europe-wide solution of selected political problems; assessment of the
advantageousness of EC membership of the country; attitude to an
increased acceptance of responsibility in world politics by the Federal
Republic. Estimated duration until achievement of equivalent living
conditions in Eastern and Western Germany; attitude to putting an end
to processing of the GDR past; conducting social conflicts with
violence. Self-classification on a left-right continuum; reduction in
election turnout as danger to democracy; election turnout reduction as
protest behavior or reduction of interest in politics; classification
of voters for right-wing radical parties as dedicated supporters or
protest voters; importance of the problem of right-wing radicalism;
stricter laws to combat right-wing extremism; attitude to government
defense against radicals of right and left; assessment of the jeopardy
to democracy from...
Many but not all metadata providers use ELSST Thesaurus for their keywords.
Not available
Terminology used is generally based on DDI controlled vocabularies: Time Method, Analysis Unit, Sampling Procedure and Mode of Collection, available at CESSDA Vocabulary Service.
Data collection period
Time dimension
Not available
Analysis unit
Not available
Not available
Sampling procedure
Multi-stage stratified random sample
Kind of data
Not available
Data collection mode
Oral survey with standardized questionnaire
GESIS Data Archive for the Social Sciences
Publication year
Terms of data access
A - Data and documents are released for academic research and teaching.