Study title
International Comparison of Taxation Mentality (Spain)
Schmölders, Günter (Forschungsstelle für empirische Sozialökonomik, Köln )
Study number / PID
ZA0307, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Taxation mentality of the Spaniards and financial-psychological
situation in Spain.
Topics: attitude to government and society; attitudes to
administration and difficulties with the tax authorities and perceived
injustices; attitude to the tax system, the justness of the
distribution of the tax burden, tax evasion, tax penalties and tax
offenders; consumer pioneer behavior; savings habits; savings goals;
attitude to employment of women; time worked each week; provisions for
old age; future expectations and goals in life; job satisfaction;
attitude to age limit; concept on children´s education; religiousness;
social origins.
Demography: age (classified); marital status; number of children;
school education; occupation; professional career; income; regional
origins; possession of assets.