Study title
Private long-distance travel mode selection 1979-1980
Engström, Mats-G. (Nordic Institute for Studies in Urban and Regional Planning)
Sahlberg, Bengt (Nordic Institute for Studies in Urban and Regional Planning)
Study number / PID (DOI)
The research project 'Vehicle choice for long-distance personal travel' was carried out on behalf of Transportforskningsdelegationen (TFD) and the aim was to clarify which factors influence the choice of means of transport for long-distance private personal travel. The survey was conducted as a sample survey in two stages. Stage 1 consisted of a postal questionnaire, the purpose of which was to identify individuals who had undertaken a longer private trip during a certain period of time and were thus assumed to have made a choice of means of transport. Stage 2 consisted of a personal interview with a selection of these individuals. Long-distance travel refers here to trips of at least 100 kilometres one-way. Private travel means all trips, except business, work commuting, educational and military service trips. Longer private trips that connect to charter trips abroad are also included. The survey only studies trips within the Nordic countries. The interview contained questions about the purpose of the trip, number of nights spent away, type of means of transport and which company you travelled with. The respondent was also asked to indicate whether they had considered other means of transport and what importance cost, and travel time had on the choice of means of transport.