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Survey among the inhabitants of the city of Nijmegen. Whether r. parents were born in the Netherlands / nr. of years living in Nijmegen / r. ecclesiastic involvement and Christian persuasion / being attracted to yoga, reincarnation, astrology, transcendent mediation, anthroposophy, zen, and new age movement / r.'s opinion concerning characteristics of the Dutch / use of mass media like (frequency of) watching tv and certain tv-programs / opinion about (frequency of) watching tv by children of twelve years and younger / subscription and (time spent on) reading of national and regional daily newspapers, at present, and five, ten, and fifteen years ago / tuning Radio Nijmegen and TV Gelderland / behaviour concerning garbage / type of books r. is reading / smoking and drinking behaviour / eating fast-food products / eating bio-dynamic food / health condition / regular medicine versus homeopathic medicine. Questions concerning the period r. was between twelve and fifteen years old: living with parents or not / occupational status of father / living in a rented house or a house owned by parents of r. / material well-being of r. parents / reading of daily newspapers and subscription of newsmagazines by parents / watching tv by parents and which programs / nr. of books in parental home / reading books by parents and which type of books / leisure time of parents / cultural exposure of parents. Political knowledge of respondent / r.'s opinion concerning certain rights of people belonging to ethnic minority groups / whether citizens freedom should be limited or not / r.'s opinion concerning distribution of income, and social inequality / abortion and euthanasia / r.'s opinion concerning statements about people belonging to ethnic minority groups / having domestic help / sharing domestic tasks with partner. With regard to fifteen years ago, ten years ago and five years ago: composition of r.'s household, if somebody of that household had a paid...
Terminology used is generally based on DDI controlled vocabularies: Time Method, Analysis Unit, Sampling Procedure and Mode of Collection, available at CESSDA Vocabulary Service.