Study title
Conflict of Interest? 'Business for Peace' as Development Aid in Volatile Environments, 2018
Study number / PID (DOI)
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Investigating business motivations and the local impact of corporate activities in fragile and high-risk areas, the primary objective of the project is to provide the first comprehensive evaluation of aid logics underpinning 'Business for Peace' (B4P). Studying four country cases, namely Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Myanmar, Somalia and South Sudan, the project aims to create case-specific knowledge on B4P as well as comparative peacebuilding. Furthermore, the project seeks to inform policy debates on B4P in the Norwegian and international aid communities and build academic knowledge of B4P and corporate governance in conflict zones.
This data consist of survey data of 25 closed questions of 1,110 businesspersons in Myanmar and are anonymous data collected on respondent perceptions of the role of the private sector in peacebuilding, sustainable development, and corporate social responsibility in Myanmar.
For further information about "Conflict of Interest? 'Business for Peace' as Development Aid in Volatile Environments, 2018", please contact the principal investigator.