Summary information

Study title

Household Appliance Ownership and Electricity Consumption in Ghana


Twerefou, Daniel Kwabena (Department of Economics, University of Ghana)

Study number / PID

2023-283-1 (SND)

MS-956 ( (DOI)

Data access



Not available


The data contains information on household demographic and socioeconomic characteristics. The data was collected at the household level, hence, respondents are representatives of each household. It also provides information on electrical appliances owned by each household and their characteristics. Additionally, the data contains information on the monthly amount households pay for electricity and the kilowatts of electricity they consume in a month. The data also provides information on households' knowledge of the impact of electricity consumption on climate change and on the environment. Additionally, it provides information on conditions under which households will be willing to contribute towards climate change mitigation by promoting electricity consumption efficiency.


Data collection period

16/04/2022 - 12/05/2022



Time dimension


Analysis unit

Housing unit


The data was collected at the household level, and respondents are representatives of households.

Sampling procedure

The data contains a survey undertaken in three regions of Ghana: Greater Accra, Ashanti and the Northern regions to represent the Coastal, Forest and Savannah Zones respectively. We adopt a sampling design by the Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) used for the Ghana Living Standards Survey (GLSS). Based on the design, the GSS has listed rural and urban Enumeration Areas (EAs) in all the regions. We proportionally allocate the EAs to the regions sampled based on rural-urban stratification. Systematically, 20 households were selected from each EA following the ordered sampling frame. Consequently, 28, 19 and 8 urban EAs were interviewed in the Greater Accra, Ashanti and Northern regions respectively while the figures for the rural areas were 3, 12 and 11 for the Greater Accra, Ashanti and Northern regions respectively. Households in the EAs were located with the help of the household listing undertaken by the GSS containing the names, addresses and Global Positioning System location of all households within the EAs. We submitted all the data collection instruments and protocols for approval by the University of Ghana Ethics Committee for Humanities before going to the field

Kind of data

Not available

Data collection mode

The questionnaire instrument was coded in Computer-Assisted Personal Interviews (CAPI) and enumerators visited each household to conduct the interview. After each day's activity, the overseer goes through the reported data to identify any errors. If errors are detected, the enumerator re-visits the household the next day to collect the appropriate data.

Funding information


Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency

Grant number




Swedish National Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

Access to data through SND. Access to data is restricted.

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Not available