Study title
What Buildings Do: The Effect of the Physical Environment on Quality of Life of Asylum Seekers, 2013
Støa, Eli (Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet)
Study number / PID (DOI)
Data access
Information not available
This study investigates the effect physical environments may have for the well-being of asylum seekers and their relationship with the local community. The attitudes towards housing for asylum seekers in Europe are based on ethical dilemmas that need to be illuminated. Asylum seekers are in risk of developing psychological problems, and research shows that housing quality may be used as a strategy to af fect the mental health of the residents, their activity level, and well-being. This project focuses upon physical environments that facilitate positive social processes, lower conflict levels, secure and inspire the residents to an increased activity level, and improve contact between asylum seekers and local community - thereby contributing to improving the mental health and self-esteem of the asylum seekers. The project was based on case studies, survey, qualitative interviews, and typology studies. The project provides practical knowledge on the physical aspects that are important to address during the different stages of planning, rehabilitation and operation of asylum centers. Even if the focus is asylum seekers, the results are also relevant for other types of vulnerable resident groups, especially resident groups in need of temporary housing.