Summary information

Study title

University Student Health Survey 2008


Kunttu, Kristina (Finnish Student Health Service (FSHS))
Huttunen, Teppo (Oy 4Pharma Ltd)

Study number / PID

FSD2608 (FSD)

urn:nbn:fi:fsd:T-FSD2608 (URN)

10.60686/t-fsd2608 (DOI)

Data access



University Student Health Surveys

The survey series charts the physical, mental and social health of undergraduate students of higher education institutions in Finland. Other main themes include health-related behaviour and associated attitudes, social relationships, studies and financing studies, opinions on and the use of student health services. In addition to core questions, each survey contains questions on particular themes. The surveys were conducted by the Finnish Student Health Service (FSHS) at four-year intervals between 2000 and 2016. The Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare and the Social Insurance...

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The national survey focused on the health and health-related behaviour of university and university of applied science (polytechnic) students in Finland. Questions covered physical, mental and sexual health, health behaviour, physical activity, social interaction, ability to study, study environment, bullying, the use of and satisfaction with student health services, and travel abroad. General state of health was charted with a number of questions relating to long-term illnesses, disabilities or disorders, medicines used, sleeping habits, and the respondents' weight, height and waistline. Eating habits and disorders were also investigated as well as other physical, psychological or social symptoms causing problems. Psychosocial health was further studied using the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12). Some questions studied the respondent's gambling and internet use habits and possible problems caused by them. Sporting activities, less vigorous exercise habits, and use of performance enhanching substances were surveyed. Eating habits were investigated with a number of questions, for instance, relating to following a special diet, and the consumption of milk, bread or fruit, pizza, chips etc. The respondents were also asked how often they brush or floss their teeth and use toothpaste or xylitol products. Health-related behaviour was further studied by asking the respondents about their smoking habits, and the use of drugs and alcohol (amount, frequency). Drinking habits were charted by using the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT). One theme pertained to the respondents' studies. They were asked how many years they had been enrolled as 'present' for current studies, credits earned, estimated graduation year, whether the study was full-time or part-time, study success, confidence of having chosen the right field of study, and in what kind of study-related situations they experienced emotional tension. Views were probed on the sufficiency of study...
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Data collection period

23/01/2008 - 27/06/2008



Time dimension

Longitudinal: Trend/Repeated cross-section

Analysis unit



Undergraduate students, aged under 35, studying at a university or a university of applied sciences (polytechnic) in Finland

Excludes: Åland University of Applied Sciences and Police College of Finland

Sampling procedure

Probability: Stratified

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Self-administered questionnaire: Paper
Self-administered questionnaire: Web-based (CAWI)



Finnish Social Science Data Archive

Publication year


Terms of data access

The dataset is (B) available for research, teaching and study.

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