Study title
An archive of Twitter/X's policies for Tweet redistribution 2006-2023
Golland, Luisa ( GESIS - Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences)
Recker, Jonas ( GESIS - Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences)
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When researchers publish results based on the analysis of Tweets, good practice requires sharing the Tweets (or Tweet IDs) to enable reproducibility of the results. What may or may not be shared depends on the Twitter/X terms for the redistribution of the platform’s content. As a complete archive of these terms is currently not easily accessible, we used The Internet Archive's Wayback Machine to gather all documents from Twitter/X that detail the terms and conditions for content redistribution, in effect between 2006 and November 2023. This archive of .html files allows researchers who collected Twitter/X content in the past and are now considering sharing this content to determine the regulation in effect at the time of Tweet collection.
Python scripts and a list of URLs are also provided, which can be used to replicate the creation of the .html files published here.