Study title
University of Helsinki Student Union Member Survey 2021
Research Foundation for Studies and Education (Otus)
Study number / PID
urn:nbn:fi:fsd:T-FSD3669 (URN)
The data surveys the experiences of students at the University of Helsinki on the activities of the Student Union. In particular, it focuses on members' awareness, needs and participation in student union activities. The survey has been carried out by the Research Foundation for Studies and Education (Otus) and funded by the Student Union of the University of Helsinki (HYY). First, respondents were asked about the background of their studies. Then, respondents were asked about their knowledge of the means and possibilities of social influence of the Student Union and its members. Respondents were then asked how they felt they could influence the academic affairs of the faculty and the activities of the student union. In terms of influence, the respondents were also asked about the factors that influenced their decision to vote or not to vote in the elections to the student council. The following questions asked about knowledge of the services offered by the Student Union. The aim was to find out what services respondents used and what their service needs were. In addition, they were asked which issues HYY should contribute to the development of. This was followed by questions on events organised by HYY and on communication. Background variables included the main activity, year of starting studies, faculty, stage of studies, mother tongue, gender, age group and minority status.