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Appleby, Y., Lancaster University, Literacy Research Centre
Hodge, R., Lancaster University, Literacy Research Centre
Barton, D., Lancaster University, Literacy Research Centre
Tusting, K., Lancaster University, Department of Linguistics and English Language
Ivanic, R., Lancaster University, Department of Linguistics and English Language
Study number / PID
5758 (UKDA)
10.5255/UKDA-SN-5758-1 (DOI)
Data access
Not available
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Adult Learners' Lives project was a major National Research and Development Centre (NRDC) research study carried out by members of the Lancaster Literacy Research Centre. The overall aim of the project was to develop understandings of the relationships between learners' lives and the literacy, language and numeracy (LLN) learning in which they were engaged, and to draw out the implications for the Skills for Life strategy. Starting from the perspectives of the adult learners the project focused on issues around motivation, participation, persistence and engagement. The first year of the Adult Learners' Lives project concentrated on college environments. Working with teacher-researchers enabled the research to be embedded in real classrooms and ensured that it had an impact on practice. In the second year of the project the work was on other sites with learners in what has been referred to by others as provision for the 'hard to reach'. This included a drug support and aftercare centre, a young homeless scheme and a domestic violence project. Contact was also maintained with 53 learners who represent the longitudinal cohort of the study. Work was collaborative with practitioners from all sites which allowed for exploration of participation and engagement with learners who frequently have issues in their lives that impact upon learning.
The project investigated adult learning at three case study sites of Blackburn, Lancaster and Liverpool. The study consists of a range of interviews with learners and teachers, field notes, observations, focus groups and participants' creative writing and photographs.
Further information about the project can be found on the Adult Learners' Lives web page.Main Topics:Some of the initial outcomes of the research include:relationships matter in learning, including teacher/student and student/student relationshipslearning environments often offer...
Terminology used is generally based on DDI controlled vocabularies: Time Method, Analysis Unit, Sampling Procedure and Mode of Collection, available at CESSDA Vocabulary Service.
Data collection period
01/09/2002 - 01/03/2005
Time dimension
Cross-sectional (one-time) study
Analysis unit
Adult students in classes in Blackburn, Lancaster and Liverpool, 2002-2005.
Sampling procedure
Purposive selection/case studies
Kind of data
Still image
Semi-structured interview transcripts; Interview summaries; Observation field notes, Focus group transcripts, Participants' creative writing and Photographs.
Data collection mode
Face-to-face interview
Focus group
Video recording
UK Data Service
Publication year
Terms of data access
The Data Collection is available to UK Data Service registered users subject to the End User Licence Agreement.
Commercial use of the data requires approval from the data owner or their nominee. The UK Data Service will contact you.