Study title
Finnish Local Government Barometer 1996: Inhabitants
Study number / PID
FSD1120 (FSD)
urn:nbn:fi:fsd:T-FSD1120 (URN)
10.60686/t-fsd1120 (DOI)
Data access
Finnish Local Government Barometers
The Foundation for Municipal Development conducts annual surveys covering opinions on local (municipal) democracy, local government, local economy and services. Respondents are generally local inhabitants, municipal managers and the chairpersons of municipal boards. The data enable comparison between the opinions of the inhabitants on the one hand, and the managers and chairpersons on the other. The surveys also study municipal managers' views on the policies of the Government of Finland and the functionality of local co-operation. The survey series was launched in 1992. The FSD collections...
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Data collection period
15/05/1996 - 09/06/1996
Time dimension
Analysis unit
Population of Finland aged 15 or over
Excludes: the Åland Islands
Sampling procedure
Kind of data
Data collection mode
Finnish Social Science Data Archive
Publication year
Terms of data access
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