Summary information

Study title

Violence in Early Modern England: a Regional Survey: Cheshire, 1600-1800


Sharpe, J., University of York, Department of History
Dickinson, R., University of York, Department of History

Study number / PID

4429 (UKDA)

10.5255/UKDA-SN-4429-1 (DOI)

Data access



Not available


Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The aim of this project was to carry out a systematic investigation and analysis of crimes of violence tried in the courts of the county of Cheshire, in the period 1601-1800. The core of the study is formed by details of homicides prosecuted at the Court of Great Sessions at Chester over this period, with supplementary data dealing with non-homicidal violence, notably from the County Quarter Sessions of Cheshire and the Chester City Sessions. As well as the quantitative results drawn from these samples, analysis of depositions and an account of a murder case in Saighton in 1648, published in the <i>Cheshire Sheaf</i> in 1937, allows the reconstruction of insights into the qualitative and attitudinal aspects of the history of violence. The objectives of the study were: firstly, to add new dimensions to the ongoing debate on the history of violence in England; secondly, to gain insights through the history of violence into the changing social psychology of the early modern English; and, thirdly, to provide a body of material on violence from a past culture which will provide useful points of comparison for studies of violence in modern Britain, as well as providing a body of findings against which current theoretical assumptions about violence might be tested.Main Topics:The dataset comprises details of coroners' inquests, where possible accompanied by details of connected criminal indictments, abstracted from the Crown Books and Court Rolls of the Court of Great Sessions of Chester. In addition, details of materials relating to violence have been abstracted from the Cheshire County Quarter Sessions, and from the City of Chester Sessions. <i>Session</i> table contains details of the date and location of each session of the Cheshire Court of Great Sessions, the equivalent of the assizes in other counties, between 1601 and 1800 at which coroners returned inquests. Each...
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Data collection period

01/01/1998 - 01/07/1999



Time dimension

Time Series

Analysis unit

Court sessions
Crime victims
Criminal offences


Sessions of the Cheshire Court of Great Sessions at which coroners returned inquests, 1601-1800

Sampling procedure

No sampling (total universe)

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Transcription of existing materials
Compilation or synthesis of existing material

Funding information

Grant number




UK Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

The Data Collection is available to UK Data Service registered users subject to the End User Licence Agreement.

Commercial use of the data requires approval from the data owner or their nominee. The UK Data Service will contact you.

Related publications

  • Dickinson, J. and Sharpe, J. (2002) 'Infanticide in early modern England:: the Court of Great Sessions at Chester, 1650-1800' in M. Jackson (ed.), , Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing. ISBN075-4603180 | 978-0754603184