Summary information

Study title

Trips and holidays (2016)



Study number / PID

SN193 (UniData)

Data access

Information not available


VV - Trips and holidays

"Trips and holidays" is a quarterly survey conducted from 1997 to 2013 on tourism. The main objective is collect information in order to quantify and analyse the Italian flow of tourism, both within the country and abroad, and provide information about trips and sociodemographic factors of tourist. The sample is composed by all household component with 18 years old and more, and the survey periods are january-march, april-june, july-september and october-december. For each period the survey collect information about all trips finished in that quarter, regardless of starting date.  ...

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Trips and holidays is a quarterly focus included into the Households Budget Survey from 2014 with the aim of collecting information on tourist flows of residents. It provides a wide set of information on tourist trips, such as the amount and the characteristics of trips made for personal and business reasons, both in Italy and abroad, the amount of expenditure, the reasons for not participating in tourism, the amount of same-day visits. These information was previously collected by quarterly Trips, holidays and daily life carried out by Istat from 1997 to 2013. The estimates provided are internationally comparable and allow to analyse the evolution of the tourist behaviours of individuals. Tourism is defined as the set of activities and services concerning people moving outside their 'usual environment', for holidays or work purposes. Therefore, all non-routine journeys are included in the tourist flows, with overnight stays (trips) or without (excursions, daily trips). The identification of the usual environment of a person makes it possible to correctly distinguish the tourist phenomenon from mobility, which does not included within the field of observation of tourist demand. Tourism flows are distinguished into trips for personal reasons and business trips, the first ones differentiated between short holiday (1-3 overnight stays) and long holiday trips (4 or more overnight stays). The holidays include trips for leisure, pleasure, relax, visiting to relatives or friends, for health treatments or for religious reasons. Istat provide three different datasets: individuals (individui), trips (viaggi) and excursions (escursioni). The annual files are obtained by combining the four quarterly files built through the survey. The "individuals" file consists of a record for each individual member of the interviewed family, thus including both individuals who have traveled (tourists) and those who have not traveled. The "trips" file consists of a record for each...
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Data collection period

01/01/2016 - 31/12/2016



Time dimension

longitudinal (trend repeated cross-section)

Analysis unit

time unit


residents in Italy

Sampling procedure

36.031 individuals. Two-stage stratified random sample

Kind of data

individual data

Data collection mode

Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI)



UniData - Bicocca Data Archive

Publication year


Terms of data access

ISTAT data are released in according to Creative Commons – Attribution 3.0 Licence, available here. The redistribution to the third party, even in partial form, of data available to UniData members only is not allowed.

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