Study title
Poverty and Welfare Survey 2005
Study number / PID
FSD3740 (FSD)
urn:nbn:fi:fsd:T-FSD3740 (URN)
10.60686/t-fsd3740 (DOI)
Data access
A postal survey collected every five years since 1995 at the University of Turku Unit of Social Policy. The principal idea of the survey was to replicate surveys that in other countries (for example in England and in Sweden) were constructed to analyze people's perceptions of poverty, and based on this, analyze the extent of poverty. With the data, it is possible to study people's perceptions on the necessities of life, deprivation in different dimensions, employment status and employment history, the social status of childhood home, subjective well-being and attitudes towards the welfare...
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Data collection period
01/2005 - 02/2005
Time dimension
Analysis unit
Finnish-speaking population aged 18-69 in Finland
Sampling procedure
Kind of data
Data collection mode
Finnish Social Science Data Archive
Publication year
Terms of data access
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