Summary information

Study title

Colombia River Stories Datasets Archive, 1994-2020


Hume, M, University of Glasgow
Mount, N, University of Nottingham
Teeuw, R, University of Portsmouth
Argyriou, N, University of Portsmouth
Burnside, N, Niversity of Strathclyde
Montcoudiol, N, University of Glasgow
Gillies, A, University of Glasgow

Study number / PID

855298 (UKDA)

10.5255/UKDA-SN-855298 (DOI)

Data access



Not available


The goal of the project is the environmental monitoring of water resources using an innovative and multi-disciplinary methodology that brings social scientists and natural scientists together - integrating their research methods and techniques to capture human stories through community-level, participatory research and the river's story through field-based scientific monitoring and environmental reconstruction and mapping. The social science data of the project includes in-depth life history style interviews with individuals from the Afro-Colombian and Indigenous communities of the Atrato. The project used purposive sampling, recruiting participants through local contacts and then ‘snowballing’ for additional participants. As part of our citizen science programme, monitoring of the Rio Quito was carried out on a weekly basis by a local community. The monitoring consisted of measurement of in-situ parameters (turbidity, pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen and temperature) and water sampling of Rio Quito. They also monitored the bacterial contamination of their drinking water. The hydrogeochemical data sets were based on a range of analytical results carried out on water (river and rain) and soil (riverbank and river bottom) samples, predominantly from the Rio Quito and the town of Quibdo. The parameters being acquired were the water temperature, pH, specific electrical conductivity (SEC), total dissolved solids (TDS), oxidation reduction potential (ORP), dissolved oxygen (DO), alkalinity, major anion and cations, water stable isotopes and suite of dissolved and total metals in water. The satellite images archive consists of temporal satellite images between 1994- 2020 that were pre-processed and processed in order to highlight changes that were observed along the river bank due to anthropogenic action. A temporal change detection analysis has been evaluated by highlighting the observed changes through time. Atrato Subcatchment Sediment Load Estimation &...
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Data collection period

14/08/2018 - 13/08/2021


Colombia, United Kingdom

Time dimension

Not available

Analysis unit

Geographic Unit
Time unit


Not available

Sampling procedure

Not available

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Social science data acquisition:-Participants include a mix of men and women, and age groups. Interviews were semi-structured, with participants invited to reflect on their personal and community histories, their relationship with the river and their territory, and the challenges facing Chocó. These interviews are supplemented with focus groups with community leaders and civil servants, and ‘elite’ or ‘expert’ interviews, including representatives of government agencies and non-governmental organisations. These interviews tend to focus on the wider social, political and economic context of Chocó. Given the sensitivities of the topics covered in the data, all transcriptions have been anonymised (and therefore redacted) in accordance with the project’s ethical protocols to protect the safety of participants. For further information read documentation ("Social Science Data, Colombia River Stories, UK Data Service.pdf").Citizen science data acquisition:-Most of the environmental monitoring of water resources data were collected through a citizen science environmental monitoring programme. Additional data were collected by the project team. Read documentation on how data was collected ('01_Method_Data_Collection.pdf').Hydrogeochemical data sets:-Measurements of water in-situ parameters using hand-held devices, water and sediment sampling for ion chemistry, water stable isotopes, water metal speciation, water and soil metal speciation. Read documentation on how data was collected and manipulated ('Colombia River Stories chemistry data deposit info.docx' & ‘Colombia River Stories hydrochemical data.xls’). Satellite imagery data acquisition:-Pre-processing of satellite imageries such as atmospheric, radiometric and geometric correction. Satellite image noise removal.-Processing of satellite imageries in order to highlight changes thought the time. Creation of false colour composites of temporal images. Read documentation for further information ('01_River_Stories_RS_detecting_monitoring_deforestation_mining.pdf')The Atrato Subcatchment Sediment Load Estimation & analysis of mining impacts on the planform of the Rio Quito:- Use of BQART empirical model to account for the long-term variance in catchment sediment fluxes (± 30 years), and recent studies have shown that BQART can be used to successfully capture the inter-annual variance in river sediment fluxes.- Use of a simplification of the sediment erosion / transport system by assuming that topsoil is a primary contributor to the elevated sediment loads that mining generates – an assumption that is supported by field observations that indicate a total loss of soil in areas that have been mined. - A sediment load estimation and planform analysis procedure based on diverse variables, datasets and factors.- Read documentation for further information ('Technical Document Mining Impacts on Rio Quito December 2020.pdf'; 'Atrato Subcatchment Pre-Mining Sediment Load Estimation Methodology.docx'; 'Rio Quito Planform Analysis Methodology.docx').

Funding information

Grant number




UK Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

The UK Data Archive has granted a dissemination embargo. The embargo will end on 16 December 2022 and the data will then be available in accordance with the access level selected.

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