Study title
Transnational Seafarers, 1999-2001
Study number / PID
4634 (UKDA)
10.5255/UKDA-SN-4634-1 (DOI)
Data access
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.
The study entailed a statistical survey of the global labour market as revealed in crewing patterns and ethnographic research aboard ship to examine the structures, social dynamics and institutional contexts of transnational seafarers' communities.
This data collection comprises transcripts of interviews with seafarers of all ranks and of 20 nationalities, forming the crews of 14 ships. All ships were engaged upon international wages and the interviews were conducted by 'resident' researchers, living aboard for periods of between 12 days and 3 months.
Main Topics:
Condition of labour, family, globalisation, labour market, seafarers, life history, race, seafaring labour force, work history.
Data collection period
01/06/1999 - 31/01/2001
Time dimension
Analysis unit
Male seafarers of various nationalities and all ranks, aged between 18 and 65, at sea sailing on merchant ships of various types and size between June 1999 and January 2001
Sampling procedure
Kind of data
Data collection mode
Funding information
Grant number
UK Data Service
Publication year
Terms of data access
The Data Collection is available to UK Data Service registered users subject to the End User Licence Agreement.
Use of the data requires approval from the data owner or their nominee.
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- Blane, D., Sampson, H. and Kahveci, E. (2001) The impact on seafarer's living and working conditions of changes in the structure of the shipping industry: Report for discussion at the 29th Session of the Joint Maritime Commission [Research report], (International Labour Organization Sectoral Activities Programme), Geneva: International Labour Office.
- Thomas, M. and Sampson, H. (2000) 'Bunkers or ballast', The Sea, 4
- Sampson, H., Kahveci, E. and Lane, T. (2001) Transnational Seafarer Communities [Research report], Cardiff: Seafarers International Research Centre.
- Blane, D. (2001) 'Study looks at mixed nationality crews', The Sea, 4
- Kahveci, E. (1999) Fast turnaround ships and their impact on crews [Research report], Cardiff: Seafarers International Research Centre.
- Sampson, H. (2000) 'The modern approach to leisure and recreation abroad merchant ships :]: do it yourself', The Sea, 4
- Lane, A. (1998) 'Flags of convenience :: is it time to redress the balance?', Maritime Review, 31-35
- Blane, D. (2002) Crewing the international merchant fleet, Redhill: Lloyd's Register-Fairplay Ltd..ISBN 1901290271 | 9781901290271
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