Summary information

Study title

Irish marriage referendum tweets 2015


Beguerisse Diaz, M, University of Oxford

Study number / PID

852731 (UKDA)

10.5255/UKDA-SN-852731 (DOI)

Data access



Not available


This dataset contains the IDs of 499,642 tweets containing the hashtags #marref and #marriageref posted on Twitter between May 8 and May 23 2015. We examine the relationship between social structure and sentiment through the analysis of a large collection of tweets about the Irish Marriage Referendum of 2015. We obtain the sentiment of every tweet with the hashtags #marref and #marriageref that was posted in the days leading to the referendum, and construct networks to aggregate sentiment and use it to study the interactions among users. Our analysis shows that the sentiment of outgoing mention tweets is correlated with the sentiment of incoming mentions, and there are significantly more connections between users with similar sentiment scores than among users with opposite scores in the mention and follower networks. We combine the community structure of the follower and mention networks with the activity level of the users and sentiment scores to find groups that support voting 'yes' or 'no' in the referendum. There were numerous conversations between users on opposing sides of the debate in the absence of follower connections, which suggests that there were efforts by some users to establish dialogue and debate across ideological divisions. Our analysis shows that social structure can be integrated successfully with sentiment to analyse and understand the disposition of social media users around controversial or polarising issues. These results have potential applications in the integration of data and meta-data to study opinion dynamics, public opinion modelling, and polling.


Data collection period

Not available


United Kingdom, Mexico, Ireland

Time dimension

Not available

Analysis unit

Time unit
Text unit


Not available

Sampling procedure

Not available

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Data collected using Twitter Gnip PowerTrack API

Funding information

Grant number

220020349-CS/PD Fellow



UK Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

The Data Collection is available to any user without the requirement for registration for download/access.

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