Summary information

Study title

Scottish Health Survey, 1998


Joint Health Surveys Unit of Social and Community Planning Research and University College London

Study number / PID

4379 (UKDA)

10.5255/UKDA-SN-4379-2 (DOI)

Data access



Not available


Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Scottish Health Survey (SHeS) series was established in 1995. Commissioned by the Scottish Government Health Directorates, the series provides regular information on aspects of the public's health and factors related to health which cannot be obtained from other sources. The SHeS series was designed to:estimate the prevalence of particular health conditions in Scotland;estimate the prevalence of certain risk factors associated with these health conditions and to document the pattern of related health behaviours;look at differences between regions and between subgroups of the population in the extent of their having these particular health conditions or risk factors, and to make comparisons with other national statistics for Scotland and England;monitor trends in the population's health over time;make a major contribution to monitoring progress towards health targets.Each survey in the series includes a set of core questions and measurements (height and weight and, if applicable, blood pressure, waist circumference, urine and saliva samples), plus modules of questions on specific health conditions that vary from year to year. Each year the core sample has also been augmented by an additional boosted sample for children. Since 2008 NHS Health Boards have also had the opportunity to boost the number of adult interviews carried out in their area. The Scottish Government Scottish Health Survey webpages contain further information about the series, including latest news and publications. The 1998 Scottish Health Survey was designed to provide data at both national and regional level about the population aged 2 and over living in private households in Scotland. The sample for the 1998 survey, as in 1995, was drawn from the Postcode Address File (PAF). Sampled addresses were selected from 312 postal sectors, with 26 sectors covered each month. Each sector was covered by an interviewer/nurse...
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Data collection period

01/04/1998 - 01/03/1999



Time dimension

Repeated cross-sectional study

Analysis unit



People aged 2-74 years living in private households in Scotland between April 1998 and March 1999

Sampling procedure

Multi-stage stratified random sample

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Not available



UK Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

The Data Collection is available to UK Data Service registered users subject to the End User Licence Agreement.

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