The Census of Population and Housing is one of the most important surveys carried out by ISTAT. It is conducted every ten years from 1861, and the main objectives are: the count of the whole population and the recognition of its structural characteristics; updating and revision of civil registers; the definition of the legal population for juridical and electoral purposes; the collection of information about the number and structural characteristics of houses and buildings. The Census collects information about demographic and family structure of the population, the types of their households, their level of education, their employment status, and other informations on residents population. In 2011, for the first time, some information of socio-economic character were measured on a sample basis through the use of two types of questionnaire: one in a reduced form, with a few questions, including indispensable information for the production of the data required by the European Union with an high spatial detail, and one in complete form. The extended dataset is a supplement to the data of the 15th Population and Housing Census carried out by Istat in 2011. Compared to the data distributed by Istat, this version contains additional variables that report, for each census tracts of the Italian municipalities, information related to: - the professional position (number of employees classified through eight categories) - the housing supplies (heating, water, cooking, etc.) - disadvantaged family type (single parent, single parent with children under 15 and single person over 65) The dataset therefore allows to have more data than those released with the official census, useful in particular to carry out in-depth studies on the employment status, deprivation and poverty.