The film education survey conducted by School Cinema (Koulukino) aimed at charting teachers' opinions and attitudes towards watching films at school and film education. The data were collected using an open web survey. The respondents told their views on topics such as showing films in classes and utilising them as part of teaching, using film education material, and permissions to show films. The respondents of the survey were teachers in pre-school, primary, lower or upper secondary, or vocational education, and the survey was available online for two weeks at the beginning of the autumn term (14-31 August 2009). Altogether 385 teachers responded to the survey. First, the respondents' background information was charted. Next, they were asked whether they used films in teaching, where they watched films, what they thought about going to the cinema with a group of pupils, what kind of films the classes watched, and what the basis for selecting the film was. They were also asked where they obtained the permissions to show films, why they used films in teaching, how the films were discussed or processed with pupils, and which study materials were utilised to support film education. Further questions covered the study materials of School Cinema. The respondents were asked to indicate whether they had any ideas for developing film education materials. Views on various themes for film education materials were charted, as well as the importance of film education in schools. They also told whether they considered it easy to provide film education, and what kind of activities would be needed to support film education. Finally, the respondents were allowed to freely comment on the survey and on film education in general. Background variables included the respondent's age, gender, the location and level of R's school, and the subject R taught.