Summary information

Study title

The National SOM Survey Cumulative Dataset


SOM Institute, University of Gothenburg

Study number / PID

snd0905-1-14 (SND) (DOI)

Data access



Not available


In order to identify how the evolution of society affects Swedes’ attitudes and behaviour, the SOM Institute started its National SOM study in 1986. National SOM addresses three areas - society, opinions and mass media - and consists of a large number of questions related to politics, society, media and social background, but their areas of focus differ. Every year, the questionnaires are complemented with questions related to current events. Data is collected through postal questionnaires with an option to respond to the survey online, and each survey is conducted under conditions as identical as possible to make the results from the different years comparable. The SOM Institute Cumulative Dataset contains data from the National SOM surveys from 1986. The data contains a selection of questions frequently asked over the years, focusing on time series. A general rule is that questions should have been asked at least four times. The main purpose is to establish time series that enable researchers to analyse how various changes in society affect people's attitudes and behaviour. The dataset has changed somewhat in relation to the codebook, in order to reduce the risk of re-identification. The following changes have been made: Variables removed: mf100a mf100b mf100c kommun komkod2010 pinc2009 pinc2011 hinc1986 hinc1990 hinc1993 hinc1999 hinc2008 hinc2011 yearofbirthreg agereg ssyk occupation1986 map1 map2 map3 lanskod2010 Variables added: socialgroup Variables aggregated: lan unionm_open


Data collection period

14/10/1986 - 10/12/1986



Time dimension

Longitudinal: Trend/Repeated cross-section

Analysis unit



Individuals aged 16-90 years and residing in Sweden

Sampling procedure

The Institute employs systematic probability sampling based on the Swedish population and address register SPAR.
Probability: Simple random

Kind of data

Not available

Data collection mode

Self-administered questionnaire: paper
Self-administered questionnaire: paper
Self-administered questionnaire: paper
Self-administered questionnaire: paper
Self-administered questionnaire: paper
Self-administered questionnaire: paper
Self-administered questionnaire: paper
Self-administered questionnaire: paper
Self-administered questionnaire: paper
Self-administered questionnaire: paper
Self-administered questionnaire: paper
Self-administered questionnaire: paper
Self-administered questionnaire: paper
Self-administered questionnaire: paper
Self-administered questionnaire: paper
Self-administered questionnaire: paper
Self-administered questionnaire: paper
Self-administered questionnaire: paper
Self-administered questionnaire: paper
Self-administered questionnaire: paper
Self-administered questionnaire: paper
Self-administered questionnaire: paper
Self-administered questionnaire: paper
Self-administered questionnaire: paper
Self-administered questionnaire: paper
Self-administered questionnaire: paper
Self-administered questionnaire: paper
Self-administered questionnaire: paper
Self-administered questionnaire: paper
Self-administered questionnaire: paper
Self-administered questionnaire
Self-administered questionnaire
Self-administered questionnaire
Self-administered questionnaire
Self-administered questionnaire
Self-administered questionnaire
Self-administered questionnaire
Self-administered questionnaire



Swedish National Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

Access to data through SND. Access to data is restricted.

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