Summary information

Study title

Streaming Longitudinal Study; Pupils, 1964-1967


National Foundation for Educational Research

Study number / PID

261 (UKDA)

10.5255/UKDA-SN-261-1 (DOI)

Data access



Not available


Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of streaming and non-streaming on the personality, and social and intellectual development of junior school pupils. The data are held under nine separate study numbers; one for each of the eight surveys and one for the merged file. The study covers a four-year period. In the first year, 1964 (Surveys SN:008 and SN:009), a cross-sectional study of 84 schools, 42 matched pairs of streamed and non-streamed schools, was made. In the succeeding three years, this number was reduced as schools dropped out due to changes in organisation or to reductions in numbers of pupils or staff. In the end, only schools that had completed the full research programme were considered in the longitudinal study, that is, data from 72 schools or 36 matched pairs. The longitudinal study was concerned, therefore, with those children who were in their first year in 1964 and who remained in the school throughout the whole of the junior course - 5521 pupils in all. The data are of two main types, those concerned with pupils and those concerned with teachers. SN:261 is a merged file of datasets for pupils (SN:007, SN:008, SN:010, SN:012).Main Topics: Teachers (SN:006, SN:009, SN:011, SN:013) To assess the further variables relating to teachers in the schools, three questionnaires were employed. In one, Questionnaire S1, 14 types of lessons were listed together with six possible frequencies ranging from 'everyday' to 'less than once a term or never'. Teachers were asked to indicate their frequency of use for each type of lesson. For the purpose of scoring, the lesson types were divided into two categories: 'traditional' and 'progressive'. In addition, two further questions were included, one dealing with grouping within the class and the other with seating arrangements. In the second questionnaire, S3, attitudes of teachers towards seven aspects of teaching in junior...
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Data collection period

01/01/1964 - 01/01/1967



Time dimension


Analysis unit



Pupils and teachers in junior or infant/junior, non-denominational schools in England: matched pairs of streamed and non-streamed schools based on type of school (junior, junior with infant, urban or rural), number of classes in school, average number of pupils per class, geographical region, percentage of pupils' parents in professional, clerical and skilled occupations and percentage of children in local education authority who attended non-selective schools

Sampling procedure

No information recorded

Kind of data

Not available

Data collection mode

Educational measurements
For details see <i>Streaming in the primary school</i>



UK Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

The Data Collection is available to UK Data Service registered users subject to the End User Licence Agreement.

Commercial use of the data requires approval from the data owner or their nominee. The UK Data Service will contact you.

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