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Attitudes of pupils from secondary schools towards the Germans and Germany, and towards inhabitants of the other member states of the European Community Reading newspapers, name of newspapers and frequency of reading / frequency of reading news from the Netherlands, England, France, Germany, and Belgium / frequency of watching news on tv / scale of sympathy for 15 member states of the European Community / ranking of qualities of people / ranking of the same qualities with regard to inhabitants of the Netherlands, England, France, Germany and Belgium / number of visits to England, France, Germany and Belgium, contacts with inhabitants during those visits and appreciation of those contacts / having German relatives and-or German friends living in Germany, and frequency of meeting them / ranking of specific characteristics of countries, and which of those characteristics are applicable on the Netherlands, England, France, Germany, and Belgium / with regard to the Netherlands, France, England, Germany and Belgium: which emotions are evoked / with regard to the Dutch, French, German, and Belgian nationality: which emotions are evoked / in case respondent was forced to move to one of the member states of the European community: countries most preferred and countries respondent absolutely does not want to move to: in both cases reasons why are mentioned / if respondent was going to have new neighbours from one of the member states of the European Community, preference and aversion for country of origin: in both cases reasons why are mentioned / whether r.'s parents and-or grandparents mentioned Germany and the Germans / talking with friends about Germany, and their opinion about Germany / reading novels about the Second World War / information at school about Germany and the Germans / watching movies about the Second World War / age of respondent when confronted with the Commemoration of the Dead at the 4th of May / ranking of statements about the...
Terminology used is generally based on DDI controlled vocabularies: Time Method, Analysis Unit, Sampling Procedure and Mode of Collection, available at CESSDA Vocabulary Service.