Summary information

Study title

Secondary School Survey: Uganda, 2017


Ark Education Partnerships Group (Ark EPG)

Study number / PID

8324 (UKDA)

10.5255/UKDA-SN-8324-1 (DOI)

Data access



Not available


Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.

The Secondary School Survey: Uganda, 2017 study measures the overall school quality of the state and non-state sector in Uganda. Data was collected on four types of schools: government USE schools, government non-USE schools, private USE schools, and private non-USE schools.

The survey took place between July and August 2017, using a team of 25 enumerators, with 5 days of training taking place in Kampala. Data was collected using Android tablets and the “Survey to Go” app. This survey involved administering several instruments:
  • Students questionnaire (to 6 students per school);
  • Parent questionnaire (in a sub-sample of 60 schools);
  • Lesson observation and teacher questionnaire (2 lessons per school);
  • School Manager / Head Teacher questionnaire;
  • Focus group discussions with school Boards of Governors and parents.

    Overall, a representative sample of 200 schools was collected.

    Main Topics:

    Main topics covered include student learning outcomes and quality perception; parents’ decision; teachers and teaching quality; class observations.
  • Methodology

    Data collection period

    01/07/2017 - 01/08/2017



    Time dimension

    Cross-sectional (one-time) study

    Analysis unit



    200 schools randomized within strata based on region, school type, and school value-added category. The sample included 132 PPP schools, 37 government schools, and 31 private schools. 1206 students, 361 parents, 186 teachers.

    Sampling procedure

    Multi-stage stratified random sample

    Kind of data


    Data collection mode

    Face-to-face interview
    Telephone interview
    Focus group



    UK Data Service

    Publication year


    Terms of data access

    The Data Collection is available to UK Data Service registered users subject to the End User Licence Agreement.

    Related publications

    Not available