Summary information

Study title

Quality of measurement of egocentered social networks


Ferligoj, Anuška (Centre for Methodology and Informatics)
Kogovšek, Tina (Centre for Methodology and Informatics)
Saris, Willem E.
Coenders, Germa
Hlebec, Valentina

Study number / PID



Data access

Information not available


Social networks

Empirical research in the social sciences presupposes data of certain quality; data have, at least, to be valid and reliable. Measurement quality analysis of interpersonal ego-centred network surveys are quite rare, owing to the complex "nested design" where each respondent reports about her/his connections with several other individuals. Analyses of complete network data quality are even less frequent since the measurement result of each relationship is a matrix. Present studies avoid the problem of "nested design" with usage of typical questions for identification personal ego-centred...

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The aim of the study was to study quality of measurement (reliability and validity) of measurement of ties in egocentered social networks. It was expected that sensitive questions would have higher quality of measurement on telephone anonymity) and cognitively more demanding questions would have higher quality of measurement in personal interview. Ties with core network members and network members providing emotional, informational and financial support would have higher quality of measurement. Quality of measurement would also be affected by personal characteristics of the respondent (such as age, sex, personality traits). Measurement instrument for measuring personal characteristics such as extraversion and emotional stability are Slovene version of measurement instrument, developed in the frame of international project "International Personality Item Pool" under leadership of L. R. Goldberg.The aim of the study was to study quality of measurement (reliability and validity) of measurement of ties in egocentered social networks. It was expected that sensitive questions would have higher quality of measurement on telephone anonymity) and cognitively more demanding questions would have higher quality of measurement in personal interview. Ties with core network members and network members providing emotional, informational and financial support would have higher quality of measurement. Quality of measurement would also be affected by personal characteristics of the respondent (such as age, sex, personality traits). Measurement instrument for measuring personal characteristics such as extraversion and emotional stability are Slovene version of measurement instrument, developed in the frame of international project "International Personality Item Pool" under leadership of L. R. Goldberg.The aim of the study was to study quality of measurement (reliability and validity) of measurement of ties in egocentered social networks. It was expected that sensitive questions...
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Data collection period

03/2000 - 06/2000



Time dimension

Longitudinal: PanelMeasurement was carried out in two waves in the difference of one week.

Analysis unit



The adult residents of the Republic of Slovenia, older than 18 years, living on permanent address. Residents of central Slovene region only.

Sampling procedure

Probability: Simple random

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Face-to-face interviewCATI and CAPI interviewing.



Publication year


Terms of data access

The data and materials are licenced under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence. Users may use the data only for the purposes stated in the registration form and in accordance with professional codes of ethics. Users expressly agree to maintain the confidentiality of the data and to conduct analyses without attempting to identify the individuals and institutions covered by the materials.

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