Study title
Study of regionalization of the northern parts of Sweden 2008
Lidström, Anders (Department of Political Science, Umeå University)
Study number / PID (DOI)
In order to capture the views that the citizens in the northern parts of Sweden hold on regionalization and their opinions about the preconditions for development in the north, a citizen survey was carried out from September 2008. Among the citizens in the four northernmost counties, 4000 respondents have been randomly selected to take part in the survey. The questionnaire includes questions on territorial identities, regionalization, democracy, health care, regional development and consequences of globalization. Different versions of the questionnaire have been developed for each of the two new regions. The timing and to some extent also the questions have been coordinated with corresponding studies being carried out in the regions of Västra Götaland and Skåne by the SOM-institute at Göteborg University in order to make it possible to compare regionalization in the south, the west and the north in Sweden.