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The Household Budget Survey records all residing household expenditures to purchase goods and services to meet their needs; it is the main data source to describe, analyze and explain household spending behaviours. Started in 1968 the survey has been redesigned in 1997 in order to obtain an higher quality of information and the harmonization with the definitions and methodologies of the latest European directives. The survey has been further updated in 2014: as deep changes have been introduced in every stage of the process, no comparison can be made using data prior to 2014. The survey...
The household budget survey (HBS) focuses on consumption expenditure behaviors of households residing in Italy. Such survey has replaced the old one. As deep changes have been introduced in every stage of the process, no comparison can be made using data prior to 2014. The survey deals with all expenditures incurred by the families to purchase goods and services for family consumption or to make gifts to people outside the family. That definition also includes goods coming from their own vegetable garden or farm directly consumed by the family (self-consumption) or donated, the goods and services provided by the employer to employees for wages or services, imputed rent of owner-occupied housings or dwellings provided without charge. Any other expenditure for purposes other than consumption is excluded from the survey. The collection of the expenditures is accompanied by the collection of the main socio-economic characteristics of the individuals within the family. The survey is conducted with two different techniques used in the three phases of data collection: an initial CAPI (Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing) interview, through which the characteristics of the household and the dwelling, as well as some periodic housing expenditures, are recorded; the self-completion daily expenditure records, on which the family takes note of food, goods and services expenses for a period of 14 days; a final CAPI interview to collect other less frequent or exceptional family expenses. The observed phenomena include: - Socio-demographic information - Characteristics of the dwelling in which the family lives and other family owned dwellings - Means of transport and communication - Spending habits - Housing expenditures - Expenses over the past 12 months - Expenses over the last 3 months - Expenses over the last month - Personal or business travels The survey records expenditures with very different reference periods. The calculation of total expenditure...
Terminology used is generally based on DDI controlled vocabularies: Time Method, Analysis Unit, Sampling Procedure and Mode of Collection, available at CESSDA Vocabulary Service.
Data collection period
01/01/2014 - 31/12/2014
Time dimension
longitudinal (trend repeated cross-section)
Analysis unit
Whole national population
Sampling procedure
16.804 families. Two-stage stratified random sample
Kind of data
individual data
Data collection mode
self-administered questionnaire
Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI)
UniData - Bicocca Data Archive
Publication year
Terms of data access
ISTAT data are released in according to Creative Commons – Attribution 3.0 Licence, available here. The redistribution to the third party, even in partial form, of data available to UniData members only is not allowed.