Summary information

Study title

Child Barometer 2018


Office of Ombudsman for Children
State Youth Council
National Sports Council
Finnish Youth Research Network

Study number / PID

FSD3307 (FSD)

urn:nbn:fi:fsd:T-FSD3307 (URN)

10.60686/t-fsd3307 (DOI)

Data access



Child Barometer

Child Barometers study the everyday lives of 6-year-old Finnish children. The surveys are conducted by the Office of Ombudsman for Children. The objective of the barometers is to investigate the children's own experiences on topics that are relevant to them. Depending on the target population of each survey, the respondents have been either the children themselves or both the children and their parents. The first barometer was conducted in 2016, after which data have been collected every other year.


The study charted how 6-year-old Finnish children exercised and spent their leisure time. Both the children and their parents were interviewed for the study. The study was funded by the State Youth Council. First, the parents were asked about their children's hobbies, participation in instructed activities during leisure time and the amount of exercise they got. Reasons behind the child not exercising (e.g. they did not like exercise, had no time or had a fear of not succeeding) were also charted. The parents whose children did exercise were asked whether various statements corresponded to their children's exercise activities and hobbies, for example, whether the child found it fun and found friends through the hobby and whether the instruction was of good quality educationally. Views were also charted on what the parents thought the children's hobbies should be like by presenting the same statements as in the previous question. Finally, the parents were asked to evaluate how much they paid for their children's exercise activities and hobbies per month. After the parents had completed their survey, the children were interviewed. They were asked how they exercised, what was fun about exercising and how they would want to exercise. The children's opinions on good exercise places were also charted, as well as whether they thought competing with others was fun. The children's leisure time was examined with questions concerning what they liked or did not like to do on the weekends. They were also asked whether the exercise activities and hobbies their parents had mentioned were fun for them, whether they had friends and whether they wanted to have more friends. The background variables included the child's mother tongue, age and area of residence, as well as the parents' level of education, financial circumstances and the number of children and parents/guardians in the family.


Data collection period

09/02/2018 - 07/05/2018



Time dimension


Analysis unit



Children aged six and their parents/guardians living in Finland

Sampling procedure

Probability: Multistage

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Face-to-face interview
Telephone interview



Finnish Social Science Data Archive

Publication year


Terms of data access

The dataset is (A) openly available for all users without registration (CC BY 4.0).

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