Summary information

Study title

Understanding Society: Innovation Panel, Waves 1-16, 2008-2023: Secure Access, National Grid Reference (Easting, Northing, OSGRDIND)


University of Essex, Institute for Social and Economic Research

Study number / PID

7332 (UKDA)

10.5255/UKDA-SN-7332-12 (DOI)

Data access



Not available


Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.Understanding Society (UK Household Longitudinal Study), which began in 2009, is conducted by the Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER) at the University of Essex, and the survey research organisations Verian Group and NatCen. It builds on and incorporates the British Household Panel Survey (BHPS), which began in 1991.For details of the main Understanding Society study, please see study number 6614.Innovation PanelThe Innovation Panel is designed for experimental and methodological research relevant to longitudinal surveys. As far as practical its design, content, and data collection procedures are similar to the main stage Understanding Society survey. It is a multi-topic household survey representative of the population of Great Britain. Data collection takes place annually using computer assisted personal interviewing (CAPI), web surveys and telephone interviewing (CATI) to a small extent. One person completes the household questionnaire. Each person aged 16 or older answers the individual adult interview, including and self-completion questionnaire. Young people aged 10 to 15 years are asked to respond to a paper self-completion questionnaire. The Innovation Panel has multiple experimental studies in which households or individuals are randomly assigned to a particular instrument or survey procedure. Experiments can relate to survey procedures, questionnaire design, or substantive social science questions. The experiments are described in the User Manual and in Understanding Society Working Papers. Wave 12 included an experiment involving the collection of biomeasures by nurses, interviewers and respondents themselves. The biomeasures included in the experiment were: height, weight, blood pressure, venous and dried blood samples and hair samples. Biomarkers have been derived from the different blood and hair samples to compare analytes across sample types. Due to COVID-19 Waves...
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Data collection period

01/01/2008 - 08/12/2023


Great Britain

Time dimension


Analysis unit



Households and their individual members resident in Great Britain.

Sampling procedure

Multi-stage stratified random sample

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Face-to-face interview
Telephone interview
Self-administered questionnaire
Web-based interview

Funding information

Grant number




UK Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

The Data Collection is available to users registered with the UK Data Service.

Commercial use is not permitted.

Use of the data requires approval from the data owner or their nominee. Registered users must apply for access via a Secure Access application.

Registered users must complete the Safe Researcher Training course.

Registered users must be based in the UK or be able to access the data via a Safe Room part of the International Data Access Network. For further information please visit the International Data Access Network webpage.

The Data Collection must be accessed via a secure connection method in a safe environment approved by the UK Data Service.

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Not available