Study title
Jeremy Bentham, 1748-1832: Transcripts of Original Manuscripts
Study number / PID
4077 (UKDA)
10.5255/UKDA-SN-4077-2 (DOI)
Data access
Data collection period
Not availableCountry
Time dimension
Analysis unit
Manuscripts of Jeremy Bentham, 1748-1832, University College London Library
Sampling procedure
Kind of data
Data collection mode
Funding information
Grant number
UK Data Service
Publication year
Terms of data access
The Data Collection is to be made available to any user without the requirement for registration for download/access under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Licence.
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- Quinn, M. (1997) 'The Fallacy of Non-Interference:: The Poor Panopticon and Equality of Opportunity', Journal of Bentham Studies, 1-28
- Bentham, J. (1995) Colonies, commerce and constitutional law:: Rid Yourselves of Ultramaria and other writings on Spain and Spanish America, Oxford: Clarendon Press.ISBN 0198226128 | 9780198226123
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- Harris, J. (1998) 'Bernardino Rivadavia and Benthamite 'discipleship'', Latin American Research Review, 129-149
- Schofield, P. (1996) 'Jeremy Bentham on political corruption:: a critique of the first report of the Nolan committee', Current Legal Problems, 395-416
- Harris, J. (1996) 'An English Utilitarian Looks at Spanish-American Independence:: Jeremy Bentham’s 'Rid Yourselves of Ultramaria'', The Americas, 217-233
- Bentham, J. (1989) First Principles preparatory to Constitutional Code, Oxford: Clarendon Press.ISBN 0198227477 | 9780198227472
- Quinn, M. (1994) 'Jeremy Bentham on the relief of indigence:: an exercise in applied philosophy', Utilitas, 81-96
- Bentham, J. (1993) Official aptitude maximized:: expense minimized, Oxford: Clarendon Press.ISBN 0198204035 | 9780198204039
- Schofield, P. (1998) 'Jeremy Bentham:: legislator of the world', Current Legal Problems, 115-147