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Population 24/7 Near Real Time: Data Library, Sample Outputs and Batch Files for England, 2011
Cockings, S, University of Southampton
Martin, D, University of Southampton
Harfoot, A, University of Southampton
Branson, J, University of Southampton
Campbell-Sutton, A, University of Southampton
Gubbins, G, University of Southampton
Study number / PID
853950 (UKDA)
10.5255/UKDA-SN-853950 (DOI)
Data access
Not available
This data collection comprises a data library, sample outputs, batch files and accompanying documentation from the ESRC-funded project “Population247NRT: Near real-time spatiotemporal population estimates for health, emergency response and national security”. The data comprise a structured set of input data for use with the authors’ SurfaceBuilder247 software and sample outputs which estimate the population distribution of England at specific times on specific dates, referenced to 2011 census population totals.
The sample output files (provided as GeoTIFFs) contain population estimates in 200m grid cells, based on the British National Grid, for 02:00 (2am) and 14:00 (2pm) on a typical weekday in University and school term-time and out of term-time. The estimates are broken down by seven age/economic activity sub-groups for term-time and six for out of term-time, and include estimates of population activity in residential, workplace, education, healthcare and road transportation domains.
The data library, which has been constructed entirely using open data sources, comprises population estimates, by age/economic activity sub-groups, for point locations (typically population-weighted centroids of census output areas and workplace zones, or postcode centroids of sites such as schools or hospitals); time profiles representing usual patterns of population activity at these sites during a 24-hour period; and background grid layers representing the land surface area and major road network. SurfaceBuilder247 uses the data library to generate time-specific gridded population estimates by redistributing the population of each sub-group across the available locations and background grid in accordance with the reference time profiles.
The sample output grids provided in this resource may be used directly in GIS software or, alternatively, the input data library may be reprocessed using SurfaceBuilder247 to generate estimates for specific dates and times of interest to...
Terminology used is generally based on DDI controlled vocabularies: Time Method, Analysis Unit, Sampling Procedure and Mode of Collection, available at CESSDA Vocabulary Service.
Data collection period
Not available
Time dimension
Not available
Analysis unit
Geographic Unit
Not available
Sampling procedure
Not available
Kind of data
Data collection mode
The data library and sample output files provided in this data collection have been generated by processing a range of open data sources including residential and workplace populations from the 2011 Census, school and college pupil numbers from the school census and services such as the government’s ‘Get Information About Schools’, university student numbers from the Higher Education Statistics Agency, hospital patient numbers and attendance time profiles from NHS Digital, road traffic estimates from the Department for Transport National Transportation Model, and GIS road network, inland water and coastline layers from Ordnance Survey and the Office for National Statistics. Information from the 2015 Time Use Survey has been used in the estimation of typical time profiles for workplace activities. GIS processing has been undertaken to estimate typical catchment area sizes for locations such as schools and hospitals. The principal input data are population counts for 2011 census output areas in England, which determine the base populations of all the estimates produced. The project team have georeferenced, reformatted and integrated all the input sources to create an input data library for the SurfaceBuilder247 software. All the necessary input files are provided, together with sample outputs for selected times of interest.
Funding information
Grant number
UK Data Service
Publication year
Terms of data access
The Data Collection is available to any user without the requirement for registration for download/access. Contains data from the Office for National Statistics, Royal Mail and NHS Digital licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0. Contains Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) data published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence. Original data remain under Crown copyright, Royal Mail, NHS Digital and HESA copyright. Detailed information about sources and copyright is available under