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Part one: macro economic time series. OECD national accounts (cu=current prices, co=constant prices): gross domestic product cu/co / private consumption cu/co / increase in stocks cu/co / gross fixed capital formation cu/co / consumption of fixed capital cu / imports cu/co / exports cu/co / compensation of employees cu / operating surplus cu / net indirect taxes cu. OECD labour force statistics: number of unemployed / civilian employment / employment in manufacturing / total labour force / number of employees / unemployment percentage. ILO yearbook of labour statistics: average hourly earnings in manufacturing / weekly hours actually worked in manufacturing. IMF international financial statistics: exchange rate with us dollar / consumer price index / percentage change in money and quasi-money / percentage change in money stock / money supply index. UN industrial statistics: unit value of world manufacturing exports (us dollar) / Grubb, Jackman, Layard ( 1982 ): trend productivity growth (1957-80) (NETH, US) / trend productivity level (1960-80) (NETH)/ unit value of world manufacturing exports (dollar) (NETH) / productivity level index (1957-80) (US). Netherlands only, monthly social statistics: minimum wage (dfl per week) / total wages and salaries for employees. Netherlands only, national accounts: total social security contributions by employers / total unemployment benefits / total employment volume (self-employed+employees) / total employee employment volume . Netherlands only, central economic plan: netto investments in fixed activa of firms / gross national product in factorcosts in firms / gross national product in firms (mp-cp 1980) / BTW firms (excl dlfst) fk-lp / employment costs in firms (excl dlfst.) (cu) / employmentvolume in firms (excl dlfst.) / employmentvolume employees in firms (excl dlfst.) / total wage bill / social security benefits / pension and life insurance benefits / direct taxes (tb) / social security premiums...
Terminology used is generally based on DDI controlled vocabularies: Time Method, Analysis Unit, Sampling Procedure and Mode of Collection, available at CESSDA Vocabulary Service.